Saturday, July 25, 2009

Menu Ideas for Healthy Eating

While personal training and while teaching many people have asked me for healthy meal ideas so I thought I would post some ideas for you all:) Hope you like!
· Breakfast
Protein pancakes with fruit (1.5 cups egg whites, ½ cup oatmeal, ½ smashed banana, cinnamon)
Egg Whites in whole wheat tortilla
Oatmeal and egg whites
Oatmeal and protein shake
Egg white omelet with veggies
Protein smoothie (1/2 serving oatmeal, 1 scoop protein, milk, ice, berries, banana in blender)

· Lunch/Dinners
Tuna/chicken, beans, salsa
Fish with veggies, sweet potato
Brown rice and protein source
Wheat tortilla with spinach and protein source
Basmati rice with veggies and protein source
Egg White Omelets with salsa and veggies

· Snacks
Cottage cheese and peanut butter or nuts (pre-bed snack)
Protein shake and peanut butter or nuts (pre-bed)
½ wheat tortilla with peanut butter and banana (pre-workout)
Protein shake w/ fruit (post workout)
Trail mix (limit portions!!)
Greens plus protein bars
Mozzarella cheese stick
Greek Yogurt ( I love Chobani yogurt)

1 comment:

  1. love your food ideas and love the name of your blog!! so excited your doing this x0x00x
